
Friday 4 December 2020

Board Game:You2

You2 Board Game.

About my board game, so how to play and the what you need for the board game, and ill show you right now, thats get into it shall we? first we need cardboard, paper, pens, chromebook  then we used all of that and put it together then, did alot of hard work then we put cardboard under the paper that the people are going to play the game so we added trick cards like go back to the start, go back 2 spaces, or even go up 4 spaces etc, cards are listed with counters with each diffrent colour counter like blue, green, red sus, yellow. 

Tuesday 1 December 2020


                                                        Link to my Memory Book 2020

Splash Planet.

 Well my favourite trip was going to splash planet,

It was 5:00 in the morning and I had to wake up to go to splash planet for a school trip so when I got to school to get on the bus to go to splash planet we had to get on the bus and leave, but before we had to go on the bus wheae had to do the roll, but when she ahd said your name you would go on the bus and go sit down where you wanted to sit.

After we got all the classes that were going with us to splash planet we got on the bus and left, but the trip was 4 hours long to get to splash planet then soon after 4 hours going to splash planet, we finally got there then we all hoped of out of our bus’s that dropped us off at splash planet then we all played at the splash planet.

After 5 hours at splash planet we finally got on the bus  and took for ever to get back to school, then my mum came to pick me up from school and went home and had alot of sleep because I have so much fun at the splash planet!. 

         Splash Planet Slides photo

Friday 27 November 2020

About my You2 board Game

On the 16th of November my class and I were going to make our own board game so I made this game called You2 board game and today I will be sharing about how I made it and how we are going to be playing it, first we used, cardboard, paper, a cutting tool, Google from my chromebook, glue stick etc and then we put owrk into it with my patner called, Jayden and he was my helper to my our game. 

So after that we got more coloured cardboard and started to make our playing cards with coloured counters, also here are the things how to play, so first you need yout counters on the start then whoever wants to start first has to pick up a card from the deck then if it says 5 or a diffrent number then go up how much spaces the card says. 

But if you get a trick card just do whatever it says on the card, but if you get near the end you have to land of the finsh but if you get like a 4 and you cant land dorrectly on the finsh then you have to go do it but you have to go back because you have to land on the finsh.

You2 game made by Simon,Jayden, and thanks for the help of our techer.you2 (@you2_dating) | Twitter

Monday 12 October 2020

What I did in the 2 week holiday

 W.A.L.T reflect and share our holiday.

What I did in the holidays well the most I enjoyed was the 2nd week of the holidays because my mum told me and my brother that we were going to my auntys house for asleep over because they asked us if we wanted to have asleep over and we said yes.

So we left on tuesday and we stayed over there but the main part of the sleep over was me learning the drums that my cousin told me how to play, then we went on a dog walk with my auntys dog called Casper so we hoped in the car and went to the park then we went back home, then we went outside to wash my auntys car because it was very dirty.

After that we went back inside and had some lunch, then after that we watched 2 moives at night and the moves were called ant man 1 and ant man 2 then after that we went to bed, next day later we woke up, then had some breakfast and after that we went out again to wash my cousins car which is a bmw with carborn fiber so we washed the whole car then went for a ride.

After we got back home from driving the bmw, then we had lunch in the dinner room and after that I went on muy cousins laptop and played gta then after that I went upstairs and played the dums for 1 hour then went back downstairs and had dinner, then watched some yt and went to bed, next day later we went to my auntys shop called the lotto so we went there and waited until my mum came to pick us up on thursday afternoon the end.

Word count:301   

Friday 4 September 2020

What is 1 thing Ive learn't this week.

 What is 1 thing Ive learnt this week? Well this week Ive been lerning abt maths /algeabra and when you first start lerning algeabra. And the first thing to answer this question for example (3x2) +4=? well in algeabra you have to start with the brackets which are these --> (3x2) and you have to start with those because that is howyou can do that answer for do this qustion here --> (3x2)+4=? well I would do the brackets first then the +4 then (3x2)= 6 then + 4= 10.

Math is good for your brain and would even help you with jobs like being a cashier and new world or even at countdown becuase maths can help u with anything or what job you have but some times buiders need maths to do there paper work and planing out. And how to start the building or even the shape of a house or anything that your doing.X

Friday 28 August 2020


What have I learn't while doing D.A.R.E? well ive learn't that it is not good to use drugs and D.A.R.E stands for(Drugs Are Retraded Everday) because that is my opinon.

What have I learn't while doing Kaitiakitanga in class/Otaki college? well I learrn't that Kaitiakitanga i s about the environment and iusse's.

Have you achived R.O.A.R in class? Yes, Resposabilty for example heling others while in class.

Do you enjoy EPIC? and why? Because I can read along with iy and can help me to get better at reading.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Class Goal.

W.A.L.T Infrom our audience about how I will achive our class goal for Trem 3.

Our Class goal: Active Learner is like.

Also Active learner is like charging up your cromebook everyday before going to school.
Active learner is helping others in class such as the techer as well.
Active laerner is like doing things right and being on the right sites while in school like for an example one kid is doing the right thing but the other is playing games so would you pick? The person playing games or the one thats doing the right thing and on the right site. personally I would pick the kid thats doing the right thing.

1. Listening to the techer.
2. Put up your hand to talk.
3. not yelling while the techer is talking.
4. no runing in class. 
5. Before you ask the techer ask 3 peoeple around you first.
Nasibah @ Pt England School: Active learning.

Friday 24 July 2020

Algebra Order of Operations.

W.A.L.T use in ALGEBRA the Oder of Operations correctly.

What I learnt about Algebra order of operations and in algebra you have to use Brackets: (  ) ,Exponents, D-M: Division and Multiplication and S-A: Subtracktion and Addition but in algebra questions are like this for exsample 1. (2x2)+4= but in algebra if the brackets do them first then the +4 so like this (2x2)=4 right then 4+4=8 so the answer is 8.

In Algebra we use Brackets, Exsponents, Division, Multication, Subtraction and Addtion but in class algebra is very inportant because when your older and go to work you will need to use algebra for work problem solving work.

Algebra is hard when you first start learning algebra bubt when you get used to it you will start geting it more and more then you will start using it when you get older and going to work or in constrution witch is planing were blocks go but algebra is good for your brain at times becuase sometime when you go somewhere you might need to use it when your traveling  around the world or going to other places.Multiplication Sign Png Hd - Cross Symbol Png, Transparent Png ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitemAddition Sign Icons - Download Free Vector Icons | Noun ProjectParentheses

Monday 20 July 2020

What I did while I was in the holidays.

W.A.L.T Infrom our audience.
Coastlands plans for the future
Before the school holidays my class had a shared lunch before we went into the school holidays and after the shared lunch we went into our holidays and in the holidays I stayed home with my family and on the 1st week me and my brother/Raymond went to my aunties house to sleep over.

while I was there with Raymond I went upstairs to play drums because my cousin was showing me how to play drums so I did learn how to play drums then after that I went back downstairs to play some games on my cousin's laptop and played gta then after an hour my turn was over then my brother went on nd played but after that it was night so my cousin put on a movie before we all went to bed, And the movie was called Aladdin.

Next day later, it was morining time so I had breakfast then my auntie said want to go on walk with the dog/Casper and me and my brother said yes then we went for a walk with Casper and we were all talking about work then when we went back home then myu mum came to pick us up then we went home and played games until the next day.

2nd week, When it was sunday I went to paraparaumu with my mum, my brother and myself with my mums friend Nikki and Nikki's son came to named Justin and we all went to paraparaumu then when we got there we went shoping at farmers and we also went to a cafe then we got drinks then after that we brought a ice carmel latte for my cousin that works at the lotto that my auntie owns then I got some things then we just went back home.

Word count:302
Peer Comment:

Thursday 4 June 2020

What I did while in Q.B and why do we celebrate Queens birthday.

W.R.L.T Inform our audience.
Title: What I did while in Q.B.
And why do we celebrate Queens Birthday.

Why do we celebrate Queens birthday? Well we celebrate Queens birthday its because Queen celebrated in June and each year the Queen celebrates that holiday because the Queen is the head of the state/New Zealand but more also New Zealand's from of government is known as a constitutional monarchy.

Next is: What I did while Queens birthday well on Queens birthday/Monday I went to Justins house in the morning and before we went to his house his mum came to our house and picked us up and after that we went to countdown then brought snacks for all of us then went to his house but after that Justin's mum/Nikki and my mum/Shell went to get go pick up a heatpump.

And while me/Simon and my brother/Raymond and Justin just played games from morning to lunch because me/Simon and my Brother/Raymond had to go to my auntys house from dinner so we went there when my mum/Shell and Nikki/Justin's mum came back we had to go and after we got there I played drums because I practice my skills on drums becuase my aunty/Jordan showed me how to play drums.

Then after that we went to dinner my auntys dog/Kaspa broke something then after dinner we went home but after we went home I got given 100 dollars to me/Simon and my brother/Raymond then we said thank you then we just went home and sleept.

(Peer Comment)David)Put some full stop Like mostly all your paragrapth

Monday 25 May 2020

What I did in the weekends.

In the weekends on Saturday I spent time with the family on the weekend because my dad had no work for 1 week and on that day me and my older brother played together like as played together on games wtach tv or something like that.

Next day later.

Best YT Comments (@YT_Comment4arab) | TwitterSunday here we go so today is sunday a fun day and in the morining we did our normal thing like eating breakfast and and after that lunch came along and my mum ask me and my brother do you guys wants subway? and I said yes please and same with my older brother.

After we got our subway we went back home and eat our subway with a coke cola and after that we went to our gaming station at home and played games like Zombs or wtach yt of some sort.

Thursday 7 May 2020

What I do while in Quarantine.

At home while Quarantine what I do is I do the dishes everyday and every night.

But normally I just play games most of the timeless with friends also with my cousin's playing game with my for example I played with Samuel/cousin on games but not  always I play with him but sometimes I don't.

This Finnish Cleaning Method Will Change the Way You Dry Dishes ...What I also do while in Quarantine I play board games like for an example a game called(Game Of Life) a board game.

Heres the people I play with while in Quarantine.

(Heres some pictures)
The Game of Life from Hasbro - YouTube

Friday 1 May 2020


How do you feel about the Corona Virus? I feel worried because my grandad is in china and he will not able to fly or do anything.

How has the CoronaVirus impacted on me? Well im a bit scared because my grandad is in china but wont help him becuase he is in china and we are in new zealand so we can't do anything.

What can I do to help my family with the CoronaVirus? Well to help my family ill need thangs that will help us from the CoronaVirus.

Name 2 things you need to do so you don't contact the CoronaVirus? By washing your hands and not touching other people.

What are 10 items you will need to be prepared for the CoronaVirus? Well ill need to get prepared for the CoronaVirus so ill take hot water bottles and i mean alot of it,plants,food,Bug spary,hand sanitiser,shampoo,toliet paper,clothes,

Monday 9 March 2020

What I did in the weekends

                 What I did in the weekends

On Saturday in the weekends me and my cuzin Leo came over to play with me so we did then he ask me to challenge him in a game called pokemon deluge and he said first one to get your starter pokemon to level 100 first wins then Leo said he got his starter pokemon to level 100 then 1 hour later I got mine to level 100 too but then my mum called me to have lunch then after that it was the end of the day and that was it on Saturday.

Next day later.

On Sunday my mum said to me were heading to my friends house for dinner with my family and we were going to Justin/Nikki's house to have diner there because she invited us to have dinner with then and when we got there my dad came in and started to make a desk because Nikki that who invited us so she asked us if they could make a desk/gaming chair then we had dinner then we all went home.

Next day after me and my brother/Raymond woke in the mornning had breakfast then went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth then after that we went to the kichen and started to make our lunch after that we said good bye to our mum then we walked to school and after we got to school we had our day then after school we walked home then when we got home me and my brother/Raymond went to sit on the couch and played games all day and that the end of the day that we did.


                   Dmic Problem solving
Image result for math

Roles for Dmic problem solving.
4. Explainer
What do you do while your in Dmic problem solving
well your read and re-read
Make sure everyone understands the qustion
Find the key words
4 people pick there roles
Do the problem with others
Show how you do the problem to the teacher and the other groups

Thursday 27 February 2020

Athletics Day

                           Athletices Day

On Athletices day the first thing we did is MatuaWard told all of the groups of the school like Kauri/Yellow and Matai/Blue, Tortara/Green, Rimu/Red then went to the rugby post then MatuaWard will say Kauri will walk to half field then say our Kauri song about beating Matai, Rimu, Tortua then after we done that we go over to our tent to our colour then all of other colours then they will all go to there team colours for tents to stay in when the Athletices starts then.

 MatuaWard told the colours to go to their event that they are doing for Athletic's so I mean like year 8/7 goes to discus and others go to their events that their doing like 100m spirnts, long jump, high jump, shot put, 200m spirnts, Nerf/javlin and I did the long jump, high jump, discus, 100m spirnts and came first then I got into the finals then raced then came 2nd but that was at the end of the day.

But in Athletices I  did 100m sprints, long jump, high jump, discus but we had a BBQ there so I went to the BBQ then they all said there are no more sausages and meat buns for bugers so they said wait 10 or 5 mins so i came back to them and got 2 hotdogs for me and Lee because I he had no lunch or money so I brought him one to eat so he wouldn't stavre to death.

Image result for otaki domain
So I got him a hotdog to eat then I went to watch the people on the 100m sprints then MatuaWard called my name out because I won the last race of the 100m sprints then at the end I came 2dn and that was the end of the day and walked back home.