
Friday 18 October 2019

What I did in the holidays

What I did about my holidays.

In the holidays me and my mum and Raymond went to the church and after that me and Raymond and Justin made a decied to go to the paraparaumu pools but before we all went to the pools we got lunch and I got subway and the rest of them ate KFC for lunch and after that we all went into the pools and we got into the kids pool to warm up and then Simon and Justin and Raymond went into the big pool and then Simon and Raymond raced on the obstacal course and I won then we raced again but then Raymond won that time.

After the big pool Simon and Raymond and Justin all went on the hydro slide and we all went on it like 5 times in a row and after the hydro slide we went back in the kids pool because if you are cold when you have been in the big pool but if you go in the kids pool your whole body will go warm instintly.
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