
Wednesday 30 October 2019

What I did on Labour Weekend

                          What I did on Labour Weekend

On Labour weekend me and my brother were at Justin's house for a sleep over at his house and we had a bbq at Justin's house and we had our sleep over and Justin woke up a 7:00 o clock and his mum and me and my bother Raymond got out of bed and got changed and went down stairs and Raymond played forza horizon 4 and justin and me played arsenal together and the game was on roblox and also we played on an ipad.

And after we played the games we all had breakfast and after that we said thank you to Justin's mum for cooking the food and we all went be to played on our technology and we all played Minecraft a game that lets you survive and also play around but Minecraft can also teach you some new things like building and making houses and also you can swim and do all kind's of stuff in that game then my mum came over to see us.

Then I went on Justin's ipad and played goat simulator and then my mum came and said what are you playing and I said I am playing goat simulator that alows you to be a goat and after my mum left to go for a walk with Justin's mum we just played games and we they both got home we had dinner with them then we went home and went to sleep.

The next day Tuesday

When me and Raymond woke up we went to school and at lunch Justin triped over and hrut himself and he also hit his face on the concrete and started to bleed on his face but I didn't see him because I was on the courts with my brother and freinds and I think that he was a the sick bay to wait for him mum to pick him up from school because I think that he missed a step and triped and also tall people can get hurt more then little childen.

After school me and Raymond biked back home but not all the way becuase we both stoped with leo our cousin and we were talking about our game pokemon planet and we asked him if liked to come our to our place to play some pokemon planet and he came over with Samuel and Jessica and they both brag there chromebooks to play some pokemon planet and after playing pokemon planet we had dinner and went to sleep.

Friday 18 October 2019

1 thing that I enjoyed this week in school.

I have enjoyed math by doing Statistiscs as by doing tally marks and graphs.

What do I need to focus on in class? Well I need to focus on is by helping my team in maths and also at any thing else thaat we do.

My goal for next week in class is by helping and I need to focus on helping team mates by prosenting up in the class to help others in my team.

What I did in the holidays

What I did about my holidays.

In the holidays me and my mum and Raymond went to the church and after that me and Raymond and Justin made a decied to go to the paraparaumu pools but before we all went to the pools we got lunch and I got subway and the rest of them ate KFC for lunch and after that we all went into the pools and we got into the kids pool to warm up and then Simon and Justin and Raymond went into the big pool and then Simon and Raymond raced on the obstacal course and I won then we raced again but then Raymond won that time.

After the big pool Simon and Raymond and Justin all went on the hydro slide and we all went on it like 5 times in a row and after the hydro slide we went back in the kids pool because if you are cold when you have been in the big pool but if you go in the kids pool your whole body will go warm instintly.
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