
Friday 4 September 2020

What is 1 thing Ive learn't this week.

 What is 1 thing Ive learnt this week? Well this week Ive been lerning abt maths /algeabra and when you first start lerning algeabra. And the first thing to answer this question for example (3x2) +4=? well in algeabra you have to start with the brackets which are these --> (3x2) and you have to start with those because that is howyou can do that answer for do this qustion here --> (3x2)+4=? well I would do the brackets first then the +4 then (3x2)= 6 then + 4= 10.

Math is good for your brain and would even help you with jobs like being a cashier and new world or even at countdown becuase maths can help u with anything or what job you have but some times buiders need maths to do there paper work and planing out. And how to start the building or even the shape of a house or anything that your doing.X