
Friday 28 August 2020


What have I learn't while doing D.A.R.E? well ive learn't that it is not good to use drugs and D.A.R.E stands for(Drugs Are Retraded Everday) because that is my opinon.

What have I learn't while doing Kaitiakitanga in class/Otaki college? well I learrn't that Kaitiakitanga i s about the environment and iusse's.

Have you achived R.O.A.R in class? Yes, Resposabilty for example heling others while in class.

Do you enjoy EPIC? and why? Because I can read along with iy and can help me to get better at reading.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Class Goal.

W.A.L.T Infrom our audience about how I will achive our class goal for Trem 3.

Our Class goal: Active Learner is like.

Also Active learner is like charging up your cromebook everyday before going to school.
Active learner is helping others in class such as the techer as well.
Active laerner is like doing things right and being on the right sites while in school like for an example one kid is doing the right thing but the other is playing games so would you pick? The person playing games or the one thats doing the right thing and on the right site. personally I would pick the kid thats doing the right thing.

1. Listening to the techer.
2. Put up your hand to talk.
3. not yelling while the techer is talking.
4. no runing in class. 
5. Before you ask the techer ask 3 peoeple around you first.
Nasibah @ Pt England School: Active learning.