
Thursday 4 June 2020

What I did while in Q.B and why do we celebrate Queens birthday.

W.R.L.T Inform our audience.
Title: What I did while in Q.B.
And why do we celebrate Queens Birthday.

Why do we celebrate Queens birthday? Well we celebrate Queens birthday its because Queen celebrated in June and each year the Queen celebrates that holiday because the Queen is the head of the state/New Zealand but more also New Zealand's from of government is known as a constitutional monarchy.

Next is: What I did while Queens birthday well on Queens birthday/Monday I went to Justins house in the morning and before we went to his house his mum came to our house and picked us up and after that we went to countdown then brought snacks for all of us then went to his house but after that Justin's mum/Nikki and my mum/Shell went to get go pick up a heatpump.

And while me/Simon and my brother/Raymond and Justin just played games from morning to lunch because me/Simon and my Brother/Raymond had to go to my auntys house from dinner so we went there when my mum/Shell and Nikki/Justin's mum came back we had to go and after we got there I played drums because I practice my skills on drums becuase my aunty/Jordan showed me how to play drums.

Then after that we went to dinner my auntys dog/Kaspa broke something then after dinner we went home but after we went home I got given 100 dollars to me/Simon and my brother/Raymond then we said thank you then we just went home and sleept.

(Peer Comment)David)Put some full stop Like mostly all your paragrapth