
Monday 9 March 2020

What I did in the weekends

                 What I did in the weekends

On Saturday in the weekends me and my cuzin Leo came over to play with me so we did then he ask me to challenge him in a game called pokemon deluge and he said first one to get your starter pokemon to level 100 first wins then Leo said he got his starter pokemon to level 100 then 1 hour later I got mine to level 100 too but then my mum called me to have lunch then after that it was the end of the day and that was it on Saturday.

Next day later.

On Sunday my mum said to me were heading to my friends house for dinner with my family and we were going to Justin/Nikki's house to have diner there because she invited us to have dinner with then and when we got there my dad came in and started to make a desk because Nikki that who invited us so she asked us if they could make a desk/gaming chair then we had dinner then we all went home.

Next day after me and my brother/Raymond woke in the mornning had breakfast then went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth then after that we went to the kichen and started to make our lunch after that we said good bye to our mum then we walked to school and after we got to school we had our day then after school we walked home then when we got home me and my brother/Raymond went to sit on the couch and played games all day and that the end of the day that we did.


                   Dmic Problem solving
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Roles for Dmic problem solving.
4. Explainer
What do you do while your in Dmic problem solving
well your read and re-read
Make sure everyone understands the qustion
Find the key words
4 people pick there roles
Do the problem with others
Show how you do the problem to the teacher and the other groups