
Thursday 27 February 2020

Athletics Day

                           Athletices Day

On Athletices day the first thing we did is MatuaWard told all of the groups of the school like Kauri/Yellow and Matai/Blue, Tortara/Green, Rimu/Red then went to the rugby post then MatuaWard will say Kauri will walk to half field then say our Kauri song about beating Matai, Rimu, Tortua then after we done that we go over to our tent to our colour then all of other colours then they will all go to there team colours for tents to stay in when the Athletices starts then.

 MatuaWard told the colours to go to their event that they are doing for Athletic's so I mean like year 8/7 goes to discus and others go to their events that their doing like 100m spirnts, long jump, high jump, shot put, 200m spirnts, Nerf/javlin and I did the long jump, high jump, discus, 100m spirnts and came first then I got into the finals then raced then came 2nd but that was at the end of the day.

But in Athletices I  did 100m sprints, long jump, high jump, discus but we had a BBQ there so I went to the BBQ then they all said there are no more sausages and meat buns for bugers so they said wait 10 or 5 mins so i came back to them and got 2 hotdogs for me and Lee because I he had no lunch or money so I brought him one to eat so he wouldn't stavre to death.

Image result for otaki domain
So I got him a hotdog to eat then I went to watch the people on the 100m sprints then MatuaWard called my name out because I won the last race of the 100m sprints then at the end I came 2dn and that was the end of the day and walked back home.