
Friday 22 November 2019

What I learnt in school.

What I learnt in school.

1. What is 1 thing I learnt this week.
This week we learnt about ( going with numbers like 13 + (6x4)= with maths.

2. What is 1 thing I enjoyed at school this week.
I enjoyed PE becuase we did ultimate frisbee and we had to vs each other in teams but it's fun.

3. What is 1 thing I need to work on?
Well I need to work on is helping others and be kind.
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Friday 15 November 2019

Scyther the Pokemon

1 Thing I learnt this week at school.

1 Thing that I learnt in school.

I learnt about CPR at the surf club and also you need to look a around the person before you see what is wrong with the person.

Related image1 Thing I need to improve on well I need to improve by doing helping and also work together as a group.

1 Thing that I enjoyed at school is learning to pick up rubbish at the beach and also the beach has alot of rubbish.

Friday 8 November 2019

Why do we have R.O.A.R at our school Otaki College.

Why do we have the word R.O.A.R.
Well R.O.A.R is the letters.

R is for Respect. And Respect is to be kind to each other.

O is for OC Pride. And OC Pride is to wear corret unforim.

A is for Active Learners. Active Learners are to listen to teachers and also don't talk over the teacher.

R is for Responsiblity. Responiblity is to be responible to teachers and and be kind.
Image result for r.o.a.r word

1 Thing that I learnt this week in school.

1 Thing that I learnt this week in school.
I learnt Math as like Algebra and also other maths as well.

1 Goal I have achiered this week
I have achiered help others and also be kind to another people.

1 Thing that I need to improve on.
I need to improve on is don't destract other peole while working a no talking while the teacher is talking to us and also put up your hand if you want to talk.
Image result for math symbols