
Friday 30 August 2019

'Maths Reflection'

                                                           Maths Reflection

1. Thing that i have learnt. I learnt to work as a team member
1. What do I need to work on?.
Well I need to work on helping others in my group also no distraction's for other groups. 
Skill/'s I've used in my P.S Group.
Working together also read the qestion out loud so your group can hear and team effort.

Friday 23 August 2019

Math Problem Solving slideshows.

After presenting our Group Math Problem solving slideshows and our own Reading Journal slideshows I learnt that:

1 thing that was good about my/our presentation was:
It was good because of the animations and the words too.

1 thing I found hard about our/my presentation was:
Colours of the background because sometimes that you can no see them.

1 thing I need to improve on is:
helping and work together as a group.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Problem Solving Math Group

                 Problem Solving Math Group

Problem solving is about sharing our ideas.
Problem solving is by working together.
No destrashines of other groups because they will lose there track on problem solving.

1.Try work as a team                                                                1.Reader
2.Make sure that your group understands.                             2.Writer 
3.Pay Attention                                                                            3.Questioner
4.Read out the question to all of your problem solvers.           4.A  Presenter

In my group for problem solving you have to learn and listen.
Also we are learning to work as a team and listen to the question that was asked to do.
But what if somebody does not get the question' well you need to reread the auestion that is asking you to solve.

Problem solving helps you to do math by learning to and also math can be helpful with work and couting with money.

Reader is about reading out the problem when you are shareing you ideas with the class.
Writer is about writing on the board to show the problem solving.

Maths can also help you doing math test and all sorts of other things.
This is the Problem that we did.   Dogs on Trial.   At frist it will be confusing when your reading it but when you get the question it will be useful to use maths to help you do the problem and also it mite take about 5 or 10 mintes for this question because you haev to share your ideas and do team work. 

Problem solving is good for you brain to get your energy back in your body so your brain dose some work to do the problem because problems are inportant in the world because there are a lot of problems witch are stealing' robbing and also killing' kicking' punching and also touching other people that you don't know.